Monday, November 24, 2014

Extension Learning Update - Understanding of the 'Tatau'

For the past couple of weeks, our year 7&8 extension group have been studying about symbolism and the understandings of motifs. We also have learnt a lot about the traditional Samoan ‘Tatau/Pe’a’.

 Not so long ago, we had the wonderful Mr Telea come into class and show us his very own Tatau. He gave us a very detailed and good understanding about it. He also told us what it meant. Mr Telea mentioned that if his Tatau was to be unravelled and put onto a piece of paper, it would look like a big bat. I was surprised when he told us that little bit of information.

And now, we have been assigned to creating our own significant tattoo or piece of art that includes our family, and culture. I am almost finished a tattoo design that has my family, my cultures and me all in one. I hope to finish it with great passion and love so maybe one day I can get it on me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Camp Reflection

This camp was so amazing and I didn't want to leave. It was at Marsden Bay up north. All of the year 8 students of Pt.England school attended this camp.

 We spent four days at Marsden Bay camp in Ruakaka. Over all of the days, we did many amazing activities. Such as, kayaking, archery, roasting marshmallows, cooking eggs in an orange, completed a concourse (Confident Course) etc.

 Among those activities, we had inside games, movie nights, and group competitions. I couldn't believe at how much fun we had when doing our inside games. But my favourite game of all was sock’off. Man that was one aggressive game.

 Most inside games were played on the second night of camp. That was the movie night. We watched “Here comes the boom”, and boy what a crack up movie that was. I enjoyed it alot, just like I did the rest of camp.

 My favourite night at camp was the last night. We had a  lovely dinner followed by a lovely camp fire with lovely singing from all of the camp groups. I favourited it because it brought everyone that little bit closer to eachother. It was just everyone sitting next to one another and enjoying it instead of moaning and complaining because they were different. It brought a peace to the group that I had never seen before.

 And that peace bond carried on through to the last day of camp. What a good day that was. We packed up camp and heading down to Waiwera for our final stop before going back to school.

 After spending a couple of hours at Waiwera, we headed back to school. That camp would have had to be my most memorable one. Not only because it was my last one at Pt.England but I got to spend it with my closest friends. A camp never to forget.